This is the Part two of my June is part one. This is kind of like one of those vacation slide shows... Well if you are here, maybe there is something interesting you will find in our June garden.
I love these flowers (above and below). The barrel on the right has what I have thought are "purple tansy"...they look nice as seedlings, in bud, and purple blooms later.
We started a rain barrel in the ferns by the garage. I wonder if they will fill in and hide the whole garbage can. At least it has been full so I know it won't tip over with the weight of water.
This year we are growing parsnips...the ones in the back are a couple weeks ahead of those in the front. This brick really has no purpose.
I never knew parsnips look like cilantro...I will have to check the spacing and maybe thin these.
It is a time of alliums here...chives are blooming. Given a warm, sunny morning I should find some bees in them.
Another allium, love the tall blooms of these.
We are starting some ever-bearing strawberries to supplement our June-bearing harvest. There are also some pole beans and cucumbers in this barrel...we will see if they grow over the fence.
Jerusalem artichokes / sunchokes are another new plant this I have some in a container...
We also have a bed of sunchokes started. It will be fun to see how they look in the fall.
These are some very nice hostas we inherited with the house. I really like how large these get -- they fill in most of this North side of the house.
A volunteer viola -- I hope to get more growing. These are another of those edible flowers.
Parsley from last year is starting to build a seed stalk. It will be the first time I see parsley flowers.
June raspberries are almost here...
Finally, I was impressed to see an herb return from last year. This lemon balm returned where parsley failed to survive the winter. This made a great addition to my wood sorrel cold tea.
Thanks for visiting our garden!