It seems that the Spring season will not be stopped by weather. Well, there are some signs of life outside. Here is a strawberry plant and a returning plant in my wildflower plot out back. It's actually felt quite nice outside lately, especially when it's nice and sunny. These early spring days are nice before the heat of summer comes. I also got some early season weeding done while the soil is wet enough to get the invaders out easily. Plenty of time to spot friends such as Lady Beetles barely stirring from hibernation and Earthworms improving the soil.
A note to myself of some topics to look into on a bored day: Companion Planting, Crop Rotation, Cover Cropping, Inter Planting, Succession Planting, Natural Signals, Growing Degree Days, Permaculture, Intensive Planting. If anyone has any good pointers about a topic, please leave me a note.
Chris, welcome to Blotanical. How smart you were to plant lettuce seeds in a storage container. I know a woman who does daylily seedlings the same way. She's a hybridizer.~~Dee
Nice to meet you Chris. I will look forward to seeing how your garden develops this spring.
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Dee, that's interesting. Gardeners gotta do what they gotta do in the winter. I'm sure it won't be many years before every window in our house will be crowded in the winter - I hear it runs in our family.
Lettuce harvesting from your own garden is just so sweet. Nothing like the store bought stuff. Just this week we started harvesting a few lettuce leaves here and there from the seeds we planted under the cloche. It's our first year planting from seed--hard to tell what's emerging edible plant and what's weed. And I'm already running to keep up with the rhubarb. ==Curmudgeon
Hi, nice to visit your blog. I am a N.Dak. living in Idaho, zone 6b, and I loving it!
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