I did the Sunday Safari, but didn't get a chance to post it until today...
My old leaf-cutter or mason bees seem to have disappeared but are replaced by others. Above is a picture from last Sunday -- I had rescued this one from a pool of water and place it on a leaf. Later it flew away, but I haven't noticed them around since. I also had an encounter with a honey bee (which I haven't seen lately) and we are both unharmed -- but no photos...
There must be a change in the season or at least a difference in recent weather because I notice a change in the insects I am finding. Fewer hover flies and more lady beetles. Here is a hover fly I did catch on the dill.
One lady beetle, two lady beetle...
Three lady beetle (from two angles)...
Four lady beetle...(there were more)
One of the "new" bee visitors. This one was hard to catch because it kept crawling to the top of plants and flying off. Finally it took a little break.
Another type of new bee visitor. I noticed at least a couple of these in the same flower patch. These smaller bees were also hard to catch...they didn't stay long on one bloom.
A frequent sight...daddy long-legs always hiding in the leaves.
Thanks for visiting...hope you are enjoying the wildlife in your gardens.
Love the lady beetle pics Chris. Looks like you had a great safari this week.
I always like to find the lady beetles...sometimes they are hiding pretty good. I was interested when I found a "twice-stabbed" species earlier in the year...there are some many types!
Hi Chris....very original Sunday safari on Monday, I like it.....
Gosh you have plenty of ladybirds...that will keep the aphids down in your garden.....it also shows you have a wonderful balance in your garden....well done.
The bees are beautiful....again you have all kinds, from bumbles to solitary bees....wonderful to see.....
A great post.....
Cheryl, thanks for stopping by...well I have definitely seen the aphids, so I'm glad to see some their predators.
I'm learning what I need to do to attract the bees and butterflies...sometimes it's not just a "pretty" flower.
Great photos of some of our friendly garden pollinators and predators.
Great pics of your garden wildlife! I recently discovered a leaf cutter bee residing in a crack in our front walk. The children and I enjoyed watching it bringing a piece of leaf into it's little nest.
Thanks for your comments on my recent post. It sounds like we have the same water use goals for our gardens.
Hi Connie...thanks. They are always fun to find. I could sit and observe forever.
Amy, I've never seen a leaf cutter actually cutting or carrying a leaf...it's great that you have seen it. That's why I'm not all-together sure if I have a leaf cutter or not...the insects can be entertaining for children.
I am finding more of an attitude of keeping a more natural garden...which means it has to get by on the water nature provides.
Dear Chris,
I so enjoyed your Sunday Safari on Monday!! My internet was down for a day and a half so I am just now getting to visit!
Always love seeing the bees. Your Daddylong legs is very nice. They are cool bugs. The Lady Beetles are the best! My camera has a hard time seeing them. Your pictures are great.
Thanks for bug hunting.
Hi Sherry...well I'm glad you could still stop by. I saw many lady beetles in the Spring and then few until now...so I was worried. I guess they were all hiding and waiting for the best days to come out.
It's been fun learning about the bugs in our backyard.
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